Desert Mischief: A Detective Sanchez/Father Montero Mystery

Secret meetings in the Desert…Corporations and Cartels. Detective Lori Sanchez killed the son of a Cartel kingpin during a police raid near Phoenix. Now the kingpin wants retribution against her. He sends a world-class assassin to carry out a sinister plan. Guillermo Montero is forced to give up his career as a prison counselor. He accepts his first consulting job to organize a high-tech conference in a remote desert location. The conference is a cover for secret meetings between four chip companies that will develop a cutting-edge computing technology. Sanchez is in charge of security for the meetings to protect the principals involved and to prevent theft of company secrets. Then everything goes wrong. Industrial spies abound at the conference and assassins try to kill a company CEO.Read More

THE FINAL WAVE: A Terrorism Techno-Thriller

2023. The year that the final wave struck mankind like a viral tsunami.  COVID 19 type 2 has already decimated countries around the world, killing millions. But now the next variant arrives with a vengeance. Lieutenant Commander Logan Gordon already has his hands full fighting against the ruthless gangs that rule his native Chicago. He leads a special team of Chicago North Force fighters on missions against the Antifa Army that holds half the city and the Central Caliphate the controls the other half. His old boss, Admiral Cotes, tells him he is detailed to a secret special mission that might just save the nation from the scourge of a new type of disease.Read More