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The Other Side of Paradise

Published Date: November 28, 2024

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A man wakes up at the side of the road with a backpack containing cash, a handgun, a novel entitled This Side of Paradise, and no identifying information. He doesn’t know his name, where he is, or how he got there. He assumes the name Eddie and begins this new life near a resort called Paradise. He embarks upon a voyage of self-discovery as to who he is and what happened to him.

He is helped by two Swedish college students, Astrid and Birgitta, who have run away from university to pursue newfound freedom A woman named Maddy, who is seeking a future with a wealthy man, lets Eddie stay in her spare bedroom, just down the hall from the Swedes. Eddie enjoys this new paradigm with a cast of screwballs who love to party, sunbathe, and swim in the sea daily. He fits in with their untroubled day by day existence.

Eddie learns he is the survivor of a gangland battle where several people were taken hostage and he escaped the gang’s captivity. He sets his sights on learning who he is and where the gangsters have taken a woman who was abducted with him. As his quest develops, he falls in love with the two Swedes and makes friends with a journalist who helps search for the missing woman.

Can his quest for identity be resolved and the woman rescued? Will he learn who he is? Does it really matter on his side of Paradise?


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