Light From A Thousand Campfires

Published Date: April 22, 2013

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The book provides a summary of the main elements of enjoyable backpacking and hiking. The book introduces techniques that all hikers should know in order to hike more efficiently and enjoy themselves more.

Available on Amazon Kindle and Books a Million as paperback.


Light From A Thousand Campfires represents the distillation of 35 years of hiking, backpacking and camping experience into a form that is intended to benefit both the beginning and seasoned outdoor enthusiast. Text, illustrations and photographs lay out the basic principles of hiking and camping and tell you what to look for in outdoor clothing and equipment. Ten anecdotes summarizing personal experiences highlight the subject areas. The discussion of outdoor skills provides an introduction to the basics — how to prepare for, plan and organize an outdoor trip and how to get there by foot, car, pack animal or boat. The discussion is supplemented by evaluations of how you can sharpen your hiking, backpacking and camping skills to become better and more efficient outdoorsmen.


Special topics include the physiology of hiking, outdoor navigation, respecting nature, reading the weather and basic First Aid. The discussion of clothing and equipment focuses on construction and function, allowing you to understand how outdoor gear performs in the field, and therefore, how you can make informed decisions for selecting the best gear to suit your needs. By drawing on the experiences gained from many trips and trails, the “light” from all those campfires, the authors share their essential secrets of efficient, enjoyable hiking and outdoor living. In so doing, the book is intended to inform, entertain and increase your enjoyment of the great outdoors.


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